Friday, September 30, 2011

The Love of Mowing

I love to mow. 

I love to mow alot. Just ask my wife! When we moved to Mason City we considered several different things and consulted several different people but one thing that I liked was the opportunity to volunteer out at camp. Now I am not handy like my dad, I can't cook, and you don't want me in the what can I do? I mow. And it's awesome! My favorite days during the summer are my Mondays because they are my day off and I get to mow. That's the thing about grass, it usually keeps growing! 

My affection with mowing started when I was young. I would follow my dad around with my toy mower while he would be mowing the yard. Soon after that I would be the one mowing. Then I got a job with the J&S Turf Team in town and that's where my addiction finally paid off...literally! I learned how to stripe the grass and how to mow around trees properly. How to mow a lawn and not blow any grass on the driveways and sidewalks! Plus, the mowers we used were a lot bigger than the Lawn Boy mower at home!

It's amazing how God works things together. I still get to mow. I turn on the mower, I turn on my iPod, I put on my sunscreen ;-) and I tune out the world! It always feels when you finish mowing some grass. You really accomplished something until you need to do it again and I love it!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spiritual Leadership's been a while since my last post! About 3 months to be precise. Now I know all of you have thrown your hands up in protest but I am sorry. I've been a bit busy, part lazy and a lot forgetful. So here we go...hopefully I'll be a bit more consistent in the near future!

We've started up our weekly bible study for our Senior Highers this past week. The girl are going through a book entitled "A Young Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus". The guys will be starting this week, we're reading "Spiritual Leadership" by J. Oswald Sanders.

I've read this book several times and highlighted many of the pages but it's been refreshing to read it again now that I am in a position of leadership. Not only as a youth pastor but as a husband. God's command to husbands to love and direct and lead their wives is apparent in scripture. It is something that I think is lacking in today's churches. It's interesting to look at the strong women in the church but where are the men? I am not saying there are no men who are spiritual leaders anywhere but there should be more! We need to man up and take our God given responsibility to lead our families and churches in a Godly, selfless way. It's amazing to see how God works when we work how He wants us to!