Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Arghhh...Snow Balls!

I woke this morning to my beautiful wife saying to me, "It's snowing outside." After I had gotten up and ready for the day I actually looked outside with clear eyes and a clear mind. Holy cow was it snowing! I thought that it was going to be light flurries that would instantly melt when hitting the ground. But this was a full on get out the Carhartt's, gas up the snow blower, and start the hot chocolate snow storm. As I am typing right now the snow is lazily drifting to the earth from the heavens above. May I remind everyone that today in April 19th. Spring started officially a month ago. What in the world is going on? People on Facebook, Twitter and other various social media websites are all complaining! I'm including my self in that.

It seems like people love to complain about weather the most out of life's every day things. Why? It's not like we can vote on it, or it's purposely snowing to insure that you have a bad day. I am guilty of this as well. But I am going to tell my self and the few handful that read this to suck it up. We're not in charge.

God is sovereign. You might ask why I am bringing this up right now. It makes complete sense. Most people, when things happen to that they are not expecting or plain out just don't want, ask "why?". They should be asking "what?".

The majority ask "Why God is it snowing? Why is it raining? Why is it so hot? Why doesn't my car start? Why are you torturing me God?". They ask these questions as if God is ruining their lives.

Ok, so maybe not everybody complains to that extent, but don't let the passing comments of the weather contradict your belief about the sovereignty of God. God is in control and He has a plan for the reason that it is snowing today. Why it may rain tomorrow and why the sun will shine in the summer. He is in control and we need to ask "What are you teaching me through this? How can I glorify you through this?". I am constantly challenged to think for the Glory of God. In each situation in life, we are to glorify God. How can you do that today?

Personally seeing the white snow reminds me of this verse from Psalm 51.

"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow" v.7

Especially with Easter approaching we can look to God and say He has made us whiter than snow and bring glory to Him no matter what happens in life or what the weather is doing!

So remember, ask what and not why!

Try and keep up!

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