Most people in the world will probably say that Albert Einstein was one of the smartest, if not, the smartest men in the world. Sure, I can understand that with all the talk about relativity and quantum physics and that math junk. He wrote books and theories and papers and hypotheses and dissertations and all that intellectual stuff. I'll give him that but I think I may have found a man that has given him a run for his dad.
I told you all that my parents visited Keri and I about a week and a half ago. While they were here my dad helped me with several jobs around the house that I didn't know how to fix or didn't want to screw up! Out of the day they were there, the time I enjoyed the most was talking to my dad while we did little projects. We fixed (and when I say we I mean my dad) a ceiling fan, put in new outdoor lights and several other little things. I realized or rather keep realizing something about my dad. He's a genuis, sure maybe not mathematical or scientific, but he knows stuff that I wish I knew. About cars, about electrical wiring, about money, about computers (I'm catching up to him in that!), but most importantly about life. I just enjoy listening to him talk about life. Little things he picked up here or there. What Dave Ramsey is saying about this. Or why an anhydrous tank is parked in a certain direction in a field. Just random cool stuff that blows my mind. He has common sense that isn't too common any more and he loves his family.
If I knew half the stuff my dad did I would be a better man and a very smarter one too! I appreciate him and what he has done for his family. And for all the stuff he taught my sister and I when we didn't want to hear it.
So eat your heart out Albert Einstein because in my book the smartest man alive is my dad.
Try and keep up!
Great post Greg! Very true! It still amazes me how much stuff Dad knows and how he can fix things like its no big deal. I've learned a lot from Dad, more than he will ever know. It warms my heart when I see him as a grandpa now. He's so patient and loving with Ella. I hope she can learn as much from him as you and I have.